May 25, 2012: JPEF2 CME, Thiruvananthapuram

The second CME of Jothydev's Professional Educational Forum(JPEF) was well attended by doctors and paramedics from different parts of the city. The CME conducted at Hotel Residency Towers on 25th May 2012 was inaugurated by Medical College Retired Professor Dr. Madhusoodanan who elaborated on the evolution from the discovery of insulin to the
rapid pace in the development of analogue insulins.

Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev gave a splendid lecture on 'When and How to use rapid acting analogue insulins' wherein he explained the various indications and research related to analogue insulins.

In a combined lecture on 'Basic steps in using insulin pens and injection techniques' by Dr.Jothydev, Dr.Arun Shankar and Ms. Gopika Krishnan, the procedures and precautions while taking insulin injections were vividly explained.

More than 100 participants including eminent Physicians, pharmacists, educators, dieticians etc., attended the CME. JPEF CME certificates were also issued to all the participants. JDC team organized the CME coordinated by Ms. Sunitha Jothydev.

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