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An initiative by P. Kesavadev Trust

Welcome to Diabscreen Kerala

Diabscreen Kerala is a major diabetes awareness project of P.Kesavadev Trust. The Diabscreen Kerala team, headed by Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev, conducts diabetes awareness, prevention, and treatment programs at various geographical locations in collaboration with regional organizations.

Diabscreen Kerala is a major diabetes awareness project of P.Kesavadev Trust.

An initiative by P.Kesavadev Trust.

November 14th, 2007, World Diabetes Day 2007 - Year of the Child - Celebrations in Thiruvananthapuram

Main Logo

One thousand, WDD T Shirts specially designed with unite for diabetes logo and Jothydev's diabetes center logo distributed free of cost In the pictures are seen P.Govinda Pillai, MG Radhakrishnan, Peethambara Kurup. Kollam Thulasi,Poojappura Radhakrishnan, etc., JDC staff Jothydev Kesavadev, Sunitha Jothydev, Krishnadev Jothydev, Jayapalan, Sarala, Jayasreelally, Dr.Krishna Chandran, Dr.Shabeer Ahammed, Dr.Anupam Kumar, staff etc., seen

Photos and video by Hari Kumar Azhimala and Unnikrishnan Poojappura.