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An initiative by P. Kesavadev Trust

Welcome to Diabscreen Kerala

Diabscreen Kerala is a major diabetes awareness project of P.Kesavadev Trust. The Diabscreen Kerala team, headed by Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev, conducts diabetes awareness, prevention, and treatment programs at various geographical locations in collaboration with regional organizations.

Diabscreen Kerala is a major diabetes awareness project of P.Kesavadev Trust.

An initiative by P.Kesavadev Trust.


Jothydev’s Diabetes and Research Centre, the super specialty centre for advanced diabetes care in India is located at Mudavanmugal, Trivandrum, Kerala.

  1. If you are originally registered under category-A/IM, you are eligible for e-mail / web based follow up.

  2. For e-mail follow up, mail to bloodsugar@jothydev. net.
  3. During follow up, apart from the blood sugar values, mention the recent dosage of blood sugar medications. This is to ensure that patient is on the same dosages as in our system or else very serious consequences can result.

  4. The diabetologist and diabetes team carries out treatment decisions and modifications.

  5. We can enter into our system, only those values recorded on the previous day. So please do not send blood sugars recorded continuously over several days. It will not help in the titration with our DTMS(Diabetes Tele Management System)
  6. Usually we need 4 values(fasting, 2 hrs after breakfast, 2 hrs after lunch and 2 hrs after dinner)

  7. Special values like 3.00am, consecutive post dinner values etc should be reported as and when required.

  8. Only 8 hours of fasting is required for blood sugar estimation early morning.

  9. E mail has to include PID number in the subject line.

  10. Always include current dosages of drugs or else you will not get the reply.

  11. If you do not get the reply to your e-mail in 24 hours resend the e-mail
  12. Do not send attachments in your e-mail; our server due to security reasons will remove it.

  13. If we receive junk e-mails, huge attachments etc., your e-mails from that id will be in future rejected.

  14. Web based follow up can be carried out by entering the details at URL or visit
  15. In cases of emergencies, which cannot be resolved over the telephone, patient should be taken to the nearest hospital immediately. Use your common sense in such life threatening urgencies and do not waste any time.
  16. The cost of tele follow up is kept at an extremely cheap rate @ $1/call. (Rs.1000 for 6 months).Average one tele consultation once in 10 days.
  17. Those patients on e-mail/ web based follow up will get continued follow up at a renewal fee of ($25) Rs.1000* every 3 months. Average 4 consultations/ month.(more or less as indicated)

    • * Conditions Apply

      E-mail Follow Up