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An initiative by P. Kesavadev Trust

Welcome to Diabscreen Kerala

Diabscreen Kerala is a major diabetes awareness project of P.Kesavadev Trust. The Diabscreen Kerala team, headed by Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev, conducts diabetes awareness, prevention, and treatment programs at various geographical locations in collaboration with regional organizations.

Diabscreen Kerala is a major diabetes awareness project of P.Kesavadev Trust.

An initiative by P.Kesavadev Trust.


Jothydev’s Diabetes and Research Centre (JDC) located at Mudavanmugal, Trivandrum hardly 10 minutes drive from railway station and 20 minutes drive from international airport is the Ist Comprehensive diabetes evaluation, management and telemedicine based follow-up centre in Kerala. Our centre is housed in a beautiful building in Trivandrum city amidst lush greenery, against the back drop of Karamana River.

  • Facilities : The centre offers the state of the art facilities for head to foot evaluation of diabetes patients. Relatives and friends of patients can undergo executive checkups (customized for their age) making use of the time spent in the hospital.

  • Diabetes Team : At JDC, diabetes evaluation, diabetes education and treatment is provided by a dedicated and committed team of professionals, paramedical staff, diabetes educators, diabetes nurses, dieticians and diabetes research officers. Most of the members of this team are trained from national/international centres of excellence.
  • Diabetes Education : It is estimated that 6 patients die of diabetes once in every minute (one death in 10 seconds). This happens because of lack of awareness among the common man on the occurrence of heart attacks, blindness, kidney damage, leg ulcers, loss of sexual ability etc etc due to diabetes. At JDC, the diabetes educators dedicate sufficient time in educating the patients and their care givers on this silent killer.

  • DTMS Training : Special training is given to patients and care givers to optimally make use of our follow-up program termed Diabetes Tele Management System. Patients both from near and far away places without making visits to the hospital can follow-up through telephone or internet which helps reduce sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol to near normal levels. Modifications in drug dosages, diet and exercises are conveyed to patient over the telephone and internet after detailed analysis with DTMS.The facility is offered by Dr.Jothydev, since 1998 and this time tested and proven successful program provides care and comfort to more than 10,000 patients around the globe.(India, UAE, USA, Europe etc.,)

  • What is head to foot evaluation??:
    Diabetes is the only disease in which Comprehensive Intensive Management can prevent complications in the long term. At JDC, extensive evaluations are carried out -

    a) To assess the state and stage of vital organs.

    b) Extend of involvement of eye, kidney, foot, heart etc etc.

    Investigations include blood and urine evaluation, foot evaluation, eye and gums by diabetic ophthalmologist and diabetic dentist respectively, dietetic advises etc.,

  • Why eye exam??
    Diabetes affects the eye in 3 ways – Retinopathy, Cataract and Glaucoma. Diabetic retinopathy is now a major cause of blindness globally. At JDC, dilated eye examination is carried out by ophthalmologist. The diabetes team will provide answers to all questions and concerns.

  • Why dental examination??
    Diabetes dentistry is a newly evolving specialty. Dr Jothydev incorporated dental examination in the Comprehensive package from 2004 onwards. Periodontitis is not only a major cause for heart attacks but also makes control of sugars impossible. At JDC, dental procedures like scaling, extractions etc., are also carried out for registered patients.

  • Why foot examinations??
    Global statistics states that every 30 seconds one diabetes patient looses his foot. In other words leg ulcers and amputations are a leading cause of physical and mental torture among patients with diabetes. Not only is the treatment prohibitively expensive, but the hospital stay is also prolonged from months to years. At JDC, all patients undergo foot Doppler studies, Podiascan, monofilament, vibrometer studies (Biothesiometer) etc etc. Autonomous Nervous System studies are conducted with Ansiscope.

  • Kidney, Liver…. : Routine evaluations like RFT, LFT, lipid profile, thyroid, blood and urine routine, micoralbuminuria, digital ECG, etc etc are part of the package. Microalbuminuria is an early indicator of renal involvement in diabetes. Persistent microalbuminuria also heralds the future involvement of heart. Raised liver enzymes can be a part of non alcoholic fatty liver disease in diabetes which again is an indicator for preventive measures against cardiac and hepatic illnesses in future.

  • HbA1c : Glycated hemoglobin is one of the most important investigations to be repeated once in every 3 months. In patients with diabetes, A1c is an indicator of diabetes control. In non- diabetic individuals, it helps predict vascular involvement.

  • From June 2008 onwards we are reporting eAG (Estimated average glucose) the new reprting system of average glucose values slowly replacing HbA1c. We do A1c with D10(HPLC method)
  • HbA1c is one parameter which differs from laboratory to laboratory. At JDC, A1c estimation is carried out adhering to the NGSP standards (National Glycohemoglobin Standardisation Program)

  • Majority of our subjects in tele medicine follow-up program maintains A1c value below 6.5% without any hazards of low sugars when done systematically with patience and sincerely.

  • Glucometer and SMBG : At JDC, we sell quality glucometers and meter strips. Our diabetes team takes care of all queries on glucometer usage and patients registered under category A/IM can make use of the tele medicine follow-up program. By reporting the sugars over the telephone or internet ( ) modifications on drug, diet and exercises are carried out by the diabetologist and diabetes team.

  • Insulin Pumps and CGMS : JDC is an international insulin pump approved centre. We have 100s of patients both with T1 and T2 diabetes on pumps. Sensor augmented insulin pumps (Paradigm Realtime) are also popularly used by our patients. We routinely do continuous glucose monitoring in indicated patients. (Video).

  • Treadmill Machines :As part of promoting physical exercise we display and sell treadmill machines. Buyers have the choice of different models to suit their space, comfort and pocket.
    Do you know that every 10 seconds one person dies of diabetes related complications?
    and Do you know that intensive diabetes care can prevent these complications?

    We have a highly trained team of doctors, diabetes educators and paramedics to ensure satisfaction and success in the treatment and meticulous follow-up of our registered patients. We are deeply indebted to the thousands of our patients for their invaluable suggestions and feedback. Dr. Jothydev started his clinical practice in 1997. He did his MBBS and MD in Internal Medicine at Trivandrum Medical College and Endocrinology fellowship training at Mayo Clinic USA.

    Our treatment and follow-up is based on unique soft ware package termed Diabetes Tele Management system (DTMS)

    Our centre is dedicated to ensure quality follow-up care of international standards.

    1. Personalised care with very detailed physical and lab evaluation since 1998.
    2. Telemedicine based follow up since 1999
    3. Interactive patient education programs since 1999.
    4. International Insulin pump centre since 2005
    5. Continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) since 2005
    6. Comprehensive chronic care packages for different economic groups.
    7. WiFi Hot spot, computer for free Internet browsing.
    8. Various comprehensive preventive diabetes care specialists under one roof.
    9. Diabetes footwear, footwear kit, Insulin pens, Glucometers, Insulin pumps, Treadmill Machines etc etc.
    10. Diabetes Dentistry and Ophthalmology

    Address :
    Jothydev’s Diabetes and Research Centre
    JDC Junction, Mudavanmugal, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, INDIA PIN. 695032.
    Phone No. : +91 471 2356200 . +919447040055
    email :,